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Men's Club

The NEW Men’s Club is an excellent way to get connected at Beth El. We offer a year-round calendar full of events, ranging from breakfasts with thought-provoking speakers and social action events, to tzedakah for both Beth El and the wider community. Our softball league, basketball games and annual golf outing are competitive, fun and a great way to meet new people. We also co-sponsor some events with the Sisterhood, such as the Annual Progressive Dinner. Some of our programs are male-only while others are family-oriented or in conjunction with other Beth El groups.

Find us on Facebook for the most up-to-date information about our programs and events!


If sports is your game, the Men’s Club plays basketball (twice per week) all year round and softball in the spring and summer. In the winter, we have our annual Bowling Party with the Sisterhood and as soon as the weather warms up we tee off at our Annual Golf Outing.


The Men’s Club funds a scholarship for every Bar/Bat Mitzvah child to be used towards a teen sponsored trip to Israel.

Sunday Morning Breakfasts

Come and spend the morning with your friends. Breakfasts are free and open to the entire community. Speakers have included NJ Governor Florio, Israeli dignitary Arthur Kohl, former WOR radio talk show host, Bob Aronson and Michael Ambrosio, a prominent attorney and Seton Hall professor.

The Community Food Bank Drive

Each year the Men’s Club co-sponsors this social action project that helps feed the needy in the MetroWest area. Volunteers are always needed.

Sukkah Building

One of our favorite projects each year. Once we’ve got the basic structure up, our children decorate the Sukkah in preparation for meals and services during this festive holiday period.

Yom HaShoah Candle Program

Our Men’s Club ensures that every Beth El household receives this special yellow memorial candle to be lit on the eve of Yom HaShoah. The yellow color of the candle is to remind us of the yellow badges the Jews were forced to wear during the Holocaust.

Religious Events

The Men’s Club organizes and leads Shabbat services once each year. Additionally, we coordinate all the ushering for the High Holy Days as well as occasional Shabbat mornings when needed.

Membership to the Men’s Club is $36.00 per year. For new congregants, Men’s Club membership is free for the first year. If you are interested in joining, please send a check payable to Congregation Beth El Men’s Club, 222 Irvington Ave., South Orange, NJ 07079.

Check the Beth El Bulletin every month for upcoming event information.

Mon, February 10 2025 12 Shevat 5785